Ran/Ranmaru !!

She/He/They/It (no order)
Trans Non-Binary
AroAce Lesbian (WLW)
Neo's ; Cake/Boo

made by Sal ^^^^ (Ty Sal)

BYF - I have anger problems. I will DM u randomly If we’re close enough. <-(Discord only) I replace things like you with u and are with r etc. I sometimes will talk about my hyperfixations. I sometimes mirror typing quirks
DNI - Basic DNI criteria, DSMP Stan, YBC fan, pro shipper, reality checker, Kaeluc shipper, Keisara shippers, kiribaku stan, Ash Ketchum stan, Hanako haters (/srs), people who don’t respect pronouns, endo/demo/tulpa systems, Kazuha stans, people who disrespect neo/xeno pronouns/gender, people who hate Dr.Krankcase (/srs)
Thin Ice - Religious people, DSMP Fans, Kazuha fictives, Keiji haters,


Other informarion?